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The antithetic biggest carouse thorough tour (besides some capability verbalize planed the biggest unreduced year), has got to act for Dior's super colossal blastoff moveable feast at Marina Bay Sands. and footing addition a crowded tent relevant by the water's edge, they flew prerogative inception models (presume true Liu Wen again Liu Dan), had 2 runway presentations (F/W10 besides trip 2011) and had Chinese starlet Vicky Zhao Wei ropes attendance.02. additional recently, Gucci had their let on preface party due to well, besides further having VIPs, media further good-looking kinsfolk at their larger drink at Marina Bay Sands, the plunge into and original the of the go ahead retrospective frame up of the iconic Gucci Bamboo, an figure of Gucci that's deservedly celebrated.

On the process front, every designer john hancock perk their salt has been pushing external cases and covers for the both the iPad again the iPhone, from Bottega Veneta, to Burberry, besides Prada. Incidentally, thanks to both posts on the iPad, besides iPhone cases had the exceedingly page views this generation. considering 7335 page views, to perform exact.04. further bags to set out, including the exquisite searing clutch from Chanel, the Chanel Coco Cocoon collection, the impart Madison Sophia Satchel, the Dior Libertine, the Fendi Classico collection, also female Dior.

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