
fake handbags the occurrence of leukemia was no more than five times

Yet when leather is used in everything from sturdy work boots to designer purses, it's hard to filter out the real leather from the fake. Below are a few reasons why you, the reader, with the power of the consumer in your hands, should choose fake leather over real leather.Tanneries where leather is treated contain high amounts of toxic, harsh chemicals that are directly linked to the cause of nervous disorders, headaches, constipation, asthma, and serious illnesses such as cancer. In a recent study by the New York State Department of Health, the board discovered that extended time spent by workers in tanneries with exposure to these chemicals have been proved to increase male workers' risk for testicular cancer.

But hold your horses; it gets worse. In one tannery in Kentucky, the occurrence of leukemia was no more than five times the national average. So, when you're shopping at that high-end boutique that sells hand-crafted, calf leather designer purses, think again. Did this purse cause a worker to develop leukemia? Asthma? A serious migraine? What are the consequences of you, as the consumer, purchasing that leather designer purse?Yet aside from the harmful effects that tanneries impose on workers, there are overwhelming adverse affects of tanneries on the environment.

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